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Introduction to Narain
Chapter One - Page 1
Chapter One - Page 2
Chapter One - Page 3
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four - Page 1
Chapter Four - Page 2
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight Page 1
Chapter Eight Page 2


History of Hindus in Sindh
Chapter Two


Madhya Desh. (Midlands): –

During the period of Yjar Ved, many Aryas left Punjab and Sind and migrated to regions called Agari and Aoodh. They spread their Kingdoms from Himalayas to Vindyan range. This region came to be called as Madhya Desh (Midlands).

The Aryas propagated Hinduism and established Schools & Gurukuls (Ashrams). Hindu literature, Scripts, Holy books, Upanishads & History books etc. are all gifts of Aryas to us. Our Holy Cities (Tirth Isthans) are also located in the above mentioned region. Brahami Dharam and Sanskrit flourished.

In the year 1898 A.D., Benaras Hindu Collage was established which later expanded to become a University. But alas, Author Diwan Bherumal writes, Sind unto 1946, did not even have one Hindu Collage.

Combined Governments of Sind & Punjab: -

Those Aryas, who migrated to Midland from Sind and Punjab, identified themselves as AANU Aryas, named after their Great Grandfather Raja Aanu, while some named themselves after their grandfather Shavi Oshener. They were called Shavi Aryas and lived along the bank of River Pershni, latter called Aravati, and now Ravi (in Pakistan), and conquered Punjab, part of Iran, & later Sind,* and formed their own Government.

* (F.E. Pargiter: Ancient Indian Historical Tradition, p.p. 264 and 293).

Sind and Punjab were divided in 3 Provinces: -

(1) Kekya. - This province was named after Kekya, Son of Shavi Oshener. It expanded between Rivers Kabul and Vyash, now called Beas. Dero Ismael Khan, Dero Gazi Khan, which today are in Baluchistan, were part of Kekya Province. This led to flourishing of Hinduism and installation of Educational Institutions.

Raja Ashopati, father of Savatri, ruler of Kekya would say with pride that there were no misers, drunkards, thieves, and profiteers in his Kingdom. For more detailed facts, Author Diwan Bherumal Advani has asked readers to refer to Chandvigya Upnishad and Shatpath Brahmin Granth.

(2) Sindhu & (3) Sauver.Sauver was also son of Shavi Oshener. Third province was name after him, which included Multan, and Jharwad.

Sayvan. Qadeem (Beautiful) City: -

Aanu or Shavi Aryas after conquering parts of Iran established their Capital, calling it "Sho Isthans", meaning Shavi Isthan which later came to be called Sibistan* and Sistan, now called Sayvan.

* ("The Sibis or Sivas have given their name to Sibistan." R.D.Banerji: A Junior History Of India, p. 15.)

Unstability: -

During Rig Ved period, Rajas were elected to become Rulers of their State. To increase their holding and size they fought wars with one another. Rishi’s played an important role in recruitment of soldiers.

It was during Yjar Ved period that soldiers started receiving wages. Commanders and Commandant-in-Chiefs along with other Staff personals with appointed and given wide powers. The Officers, who were Khatris, became a respected as a lot.

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