HoliThis coming Sunday, the 19th of March is Holi. The following day that is the 20th Monday, is Gokalashtami. This day is associated with Lord Krishna who played Holi with so much zest that even today the songs sung today depict the pranks that He played on the Gopis, and the latter, with Him. Holi is the festival of colour. The colour that the gopis so urge Krishna to hurl on them is symbolic. That color is the color of love. That is the reason why the Gopis urge Krishna to colour them with such a fast color that it cannot be washed despite repeated washing off. A famous song goes thus:
In a Society where decorum is so much observed with elders and relatives, the above festival allows people to let themselves go, in sheer abandon. People sprinkle 'gulal' ( coloured powder) on one another. Enemies become friends once more. HO-LEE means 'Jo ho liya so ho liya' which means that 'allow bygones to be bygones' . Holi heralds the advent of Spring. Holi commemorates the death of Holika, a demoness, denoting the victory of benign forces over evil ones. The burning of wood and rubbish reminds us of the fact that Holika was consumed by flames. Sometimes due to circumstances beyond our control, state of affairs do not change, but we could burn out our old hatred and enmity, which burns within us. This coming Monday let us colour ourselves with the colour of Love and Well Wishing. Happy Holi! The Colour of HoliSham piya mori rang dey chunariya Which means: Aisa rang rang dey mere pyaarey, rang na jaayey saari umariya Which means: Lal na rangaaoon, hari na rangaaoon, apney hi rang mein rang dey chunariya I am not looking for a red or green colour. Also I do not wish to be colored in the fleeting impermanent colours of the world. Colour me in your exclusive one! That of Love, Worship and Faith During ancient times, cool natural colours were extracted from plants. They were not harmful, but acted as a panacea to irritated spirits, due to the hot climate. Holi is the day to start afresh, putting old enemities aside. 'Jo ho lee, so ho lee' What has passed, is the past! You must have heard: Yesterday is history, The next day is called 'Dhulendi'. 'Dhool means dust. It reminds us of the fact that, dust we are and to dust we return. Have healthy fun! Happy Holi!
Dal Sabzi for the Aatman
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