One Janam or ManyAfter having read the article on the Karma Theory under Enlightening Information, on my web-site, a reader sent me the following questionnaire. I share the same with you. Q1) Whilst there is no doubt about the fact that we are the result of the karmas. How is it decided that a person at this time will get a result of karma that was done five births ago? Is that a uniform order or is that random? My Answer: Q2) To go one step further, it is also mentioned in the scriptures that after the soul leaves the physical body, it goes to heaven and hell to enjoy or suffer. Now why does it not end its karmas at that time. Also, what percentage of the karmas get wiped out? My Answer: Q3) Going by the above theory, does it mean that sometimes when we see a
devotee who gets darshan of Krishna at the age of five (eg Prahlad) had done a
lot of punyas in the past life compared to say Mirabai, who My Answer: Q4) It is mentioned in the article that the results of the bad karmas have to be met but saints tell us that bad karmas effect can be reduced by chanting or selfless service. Again by that theory, it will be difficult if not impossible for anyone to get moksha. I think I may be missing something here, so it will be nice if you could tell me as to what happens as a person progresses spiritually. i.e. what happens to the karmas. My Answer: I am aware that the questions that I have asked may consume a lot of your precious time, but I am confident that you will reply me. Thanks for your time and sorry for botheration. Hari Bol My Answer: Reader's ResponsesFrom SuneelDear Shakun, I would like to add some points to your reply to the reader. The laws of Karma are fixed and apply to all. The only one who can rescind the laws on a person is the Supreme Lord himself. Hence the idea of chanting mantras and praying to the Lord is to ask for his grace to reduce the bad karmas that we may have to face. In regards to moksha, the scriptures say, and in essence, The Srimad Bhagwad, that whoever reads the Srimad with love for the lord, will gain moksha for himself as well as three generations prior and three generations thereafter. Here, the matter works on the power of the Lord's name. By taking the Lord's name or by reading it, one gains the benefit of wiping out bad karmas. The power is in the Lord's name. This is well illustrated in the Ramayana. When Ram and the monkeys had to build a bridge to Lanka, Hanuman and the monkeys would write the name 'Ram' on each rock, and the rock would float in water. But when Lord Ram put a rock without his name in the water, it sank. It was the Lord's name which kept the rocks afloat. Also, reading the Srimad Bhagwad, may lead the person to the right guru for that person. And by coming within the blessings of a guru, the guru takes the bad karmas of the person onto himself / herself thus enabling the person to gain moksha. This also applies to the generations as they come within this power. All this comes through the grace of the Lord, hence we must always pray for his grace, as that is what can work wonders for us.
Dal Sabzi for the Aatman
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