From C. P. Gandhi
Response OneFrom 1993-1996 I was in Germany. That was my first visit to Europe and I had all the materialistic plans. Before I could settle down, a businessman who came to meet me on official business presented me a copy of the Hanuman Chalisa. I was surprised but took it as God's will and started reciting Hanuman Chalisa on every Tuesday. This gave me great strength and in times of difficulty or obstacles, the deeds of Shri Hanuman and his picture carrying the entire mountain in one hand while flying, always inspired me to overcome the comparatively microscopic obstacles in day-to-day life. No problem or obstacle is insurmountable anymore. The journey to spiritualism and seeking the truth began. All the good thoughts and people were attracted like magnet and started appearing in my life as time passed. Will write on them in my next email. Your email on Sankat Mochan Hanuman, has added to my knowledge the meaning of name of Hanumanji and also that 8th April is the Hanuman Jayanti. Looking forward to your inspiring and informative emails. Response TwoAfter return to India in 1996, there were more cable TV channels telecasting discourses of other swamis/Saints - Sudhanshu Maharaj, Swami Gurupreet Hari, and superb discourses based on rendition of Ramayan by Murari Bapu.Once my colleague who is married to the daughter of the Head of the Sri Venkateswara Temple offered myself and family to participate in Holi in Vrindavan by Venkateswara Temple. This was the best Holi we ever had seen and participated in. There was this big Rath being pulled by devotees. On the rath were Temple pujaris who were throwing gulal and water with natural colours on people who were accepting it with great 'shradha' and as a prasad with folded hands. We went to Agra to show Tajmahal to children and on return reached Vrindavan by evening around 6.00 PM. Before we could reach the Sri VenkateswaraTemple, on the way we were caught in a traffic jam. It was possible to drive only a few inches at a time. After ten minutes, we found a parking and I decided to Park my car there as I was tired after driving for whole day. On getting down from the car we found ourselves outside the ISKON Temple in Vrindavan. The temple is very beautiful . The Sandhya Arati was being performed. All of us went inside and participated in the Arati. It was a wonderful experience for all of us and we forgot that we were tired and liked it very much. My children wanted to spend more time, so we went around the temple. There was a big hall where they have drawn lots of flowers on the floor and one has to step on each one and say the Maha Mantra Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare , Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare 108 times. And the kids enjoyed it so much and they completed it with pleasure. In fact, they went again to redo it. On return to Delhi, we went to the Iskcon temple which was under construction. We went there and were given the biography of The founder – AC Bhaktivedanta Swami and "Bhagavad Gita as it is". The biography is so enchanting and interesting that once you start reading you cannot stop without finishing it with great admiration. And the “Bhagavad Gita as it is” written by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami contains Sanskrit verses, meaning of each word, translation of the verse and thereafter the commentary. Since then "Bhagvad Gita as it is" has always been by my bedside and my source of inspiration. Every night before going to sleep I must read one verse at least. Response ThreeIt is my firm belief that reciting of Mantra has great powers. Reciting of
the Guru Mantra led me to reciting of Hanuman Chalisa as mentioned in my email
of 14.4.2001. In 1995, during vacations to India, I came across a cable TV
channel which used to telecast one- hour every day discourses of After three four months, one follower of Mata Nirmala Deviji met me. On shaking hands with him a strange sensation was felt. He also remarked that he was feeling positive energy flowing between us. He told me that he was follower of Sahaj Yoga. Later, he came to my house with another follower and showed me the video cassette about Sahaj Yoga and revealed to me the Sahaj Yoga. This was another nice experience. Sahaj Yoga helps purify your soul and rids you of all your past guilt. You have to forgive all in general (including yourself) for anything wrong anyone might have done to you or anything wrong done by you knowingly or unknowingly. It is like starting on a clean slate and taking care not to do wrong to anyone anymore. My belief in meditation became even more firm. Response FourPeople take time to go to doctor, because they are afraid of losing health, etc. Most of the time their actions are based on one fear or the other . This fear may be of society, people, others. People even pray because they are afraid of God or God-fearing. It is better to pray to God as a God-fearing person than not praying at all. Better still is to be God-loving. Ideally, it should be out of love for God and to thank Him for everything He has given us that we should pray. My own experience has been that it is not difficult to find time to say prayers or to meditate. During the last six years there has not been a single day that it was not possible for me to find time to meditate or say prayers because it is so fulfilling and refreshing. Most of the days it has been in the morning or just at the time the sun is setting. Sometimes when there was too much of work, it was still possible (while traveling to airport, office, home or waiting for someone, while waiting to catch a flight, waiting to receive someone at the railway station, etc.) to close eyes and recite the mantras in heart. If you are sincere and enjoy doing something you will always find time or occasion to do it. When one goes to a doctor, parlor, barber, etc. one has to wait his/her turn. Even this time can be utilized to say prayers/recite the mantras in heart. If one is awake for 16 hours a day, one should keep one minute out of each hour for prayers/meditation. When you are together with your friends/relative or family and doing nothing but waiting or gossiping and at that time if you were to ask your friend/relative or family member can you pray or meditate for 10-15 minutes – you will be surprised they will gladly let you do it. You let them do what they like and do what you like most. They will join you as and when they are ready for it/understand and realize the benefits of it. Your emails are always inspiring and like a Satsang and make me spend sometime on spiritual matters. Please keep sending them. |
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