We Shall OvercomeRead Feedback from:
My heart is aching as I write this! A lot of us gaped in horror as we witnessed a horrendous terrorist operation. Everywhere one looks, one encounters uncertainty. For ones future, for ones well-being. Are we next? We must be asking ourselves. A friend asked me: “What do we do?” We have no choice but to Wait and Watch until the root cause is eradicated. We must Pray for the departed, and those left behind! And Be! And Live for the moment! And have Faith! Someone dear has written to me: “How can you say faith is a wonderful thing - it is a terrible thing. The (suicidal) hijackers had faith in the fact that they would go to paradise by committing this crime”. I believe that Faith is different from being an extremist. One has heard of the term ‘Blind Faith’ Real Faith never inflicts physical harm on anyone. My guru once told me when I was going through a rough patch. She said: “You will have to change difficulties into opportunities. All will be well, you will see. Feel grief, not grievance!” Have faith that we will inflict a deadly blow to evil! And that the innocent will go unscathed. And that we will win! Now, what does one do about the pain? A situation of this magnitude, shakes us out of our stupor. Terrible things were happening constantly, yet we did not react to them the way we have to this tragedy! It is Pain that wakes up one, from the slumber of the ages. The consciousness wakes when one goes through a crisis! All great souls awakened through pain! A new life takes birth after going through agony! A very young child wrote to me: I am so sad for what happened in New York and Washington D.C. If you have not heard what happened in New York, here is what happened: Some bad people went on the plane and wanted the pilot to fly to the World Trade Center. The pilot had to listen because he had a gun or knife in his hand. So he did it when he didn't want to. I hope that America wins the war! I wrote to him: Sad things happen in life. But maybe now America which is a strong country will have to fight against bad things, and maybe then we all will all live in a safer world! We all must pray that America and the world wins the war against evil and that there should not be senseless bad acts! Love you dear child. One has to fight the evil within us. It is time to listen to ones inner voice. One has to stir awake to consciousness. One has to introspect and make a distinction between what is good and what is not! Maybe then humanity stands a chance to survive. Feedback:From DimpleDear Shakun: Greetings. I really enjoy your articles. They give me a lot of information and inspiration. Thank you so much for all your efforts. Regarding the article "We shall overcome", I'd like to make a correction. The Pilots did not crash the plane into the World Trade Centre. No reason, not even if they are on gunpoint/knifepoint would justify that action. And they did not do it. The Hijackers had learnt to fly the 747 for months before undertaking this horrendous event. And in the flight they killed the pilots and then took over the controls. It is important to make this correction else the message that is sent out is that "If someone has you one gunpoint, you have no choice but to listen", but that is not true. One has a choice, to sacrifice ones life and which is what these pilots did. And they deserve a lot of credit and admiration for that. Not just the pilots, but even the men passengers on board the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania (which was perhaps headed towards the white house) decided to fight the terrorist when they heard that two previous flights have crashed into the world trade centre. And they knew that they would die in the bargain. But they still decided to fight against the terrorist so that their flight does not crash into another important national symbol. They all died as we all know but it was a heroic death. Americans are very united and extremely patriotic and that is something we need to learn from them. Sincerely, Dimple My reply: Dear Dimple, Thank you for bringing it to my notice. I know that the pilots did not crash the plane and I should have made the correction myself. It is just that I was reproducing the child's letter. Could I put your note down on my web-site as your response? God Bless you. I am glad that you are enjoying the notes that I send! Luvalways, Shakun |
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