It was Shakun Narain's enquiring mind which led her to go deeper
into the whys and the wherefores of Hindu customs and traditions which resulted
in her authoring the book "Hindu Customs and Beliefs", and
subsequently, another work entitled "Symbolisms in the Ramayana".
"In touch with Masters", her third publication,
introduces her readers with the various Spiritual personalities that entered her
life and left a deep imprint on it. All the afore-mentioned three books have
been published by the 'Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan'.
Her fourth book "The Wisdom of Sind", makes an
effort to immortalize, the Sindhi proverbs and give an insight into the Sindhi
way of Life, both modern and ancient.
Symbolisms in the
The Ramayana has been presented in its symbolic form. Sri Morari Bapu believes
that: "It offers a solution for to our present-day problems and an eternal
light for mankind's future".
Customs & Beliefs
Explore various beliefs and customs from childbirth to marriage and till death.
Touch With Masters
I brief biography of the Masters who have influenced my life, their beliefs, and
my interaction with them.
The Wisdom of Sindh
This book explains the various proverbs found in the Sindhi community. It gives
the literal meanings of the proverbs as well as the implied meanings, thereby
giving an insight into the Sindhi way of life, the way the Sindhis lived and
thought in their 'living in Sind' days.
of Hindus in Sind
This translation of a book written in Sindhi explores the history of Hindus from
Sind, their ancestry, and their way of living. This book is currently
under translation, but we will keep on adding the chapters as they get done.
Maa - Through the Pages of my Diary
I present to you a few pages from my diary. Meetings and conversations with Ma,
my loving guru. Want to join me as I remember Maa lovingly?
This is a translation done by me on discourses given (rendered) by Shree Morari
Bapu on Nisaadhanta which conveys the Human helplessness when all means fail to
achieve the Lord