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Thought on Kryon

Thought One

If someone were to ask who 'Kryon' is according to me,  I would say that he is  a modern day Nostradamus.

Kryon is a loving entity who is channeled by a gentleman called Lee Carroll. 7 to 8 books have been penned to date. Lee Carroll believes that all the major Scriptures of the world are also channeled works.

According to the 'Connecting Link magazine': The material is presented in a simple manner and it is a great book for newcomers to metaphysics. Nostradamus predicted doom during the end of the 20th Century unless Humanity's perception of truth changed and we raised our vibration by moving towards Spiritualism.

According to Kryon the seeming impossible has happened i.e.. we have moved towards the Light and hence averted major disasters. The words of Kryon are "loving peaceful and reassuring", according to 'The Light Connection'

What makes Kryon believable is,  that his assurance that all would be well, which he made much earlier, and his various predictions on Scientific discoveries and other matters have come true. Obviously his predictions have been taken seriously as he has been invited to the United Nations several times.

Kryon believes:

The future is in our hands and we have the power to change it.
Problems are like phantoms, walk into them and they will dissipate.
Dark entities may enter one as 'fear' Just say 'NO'  to them!

Kryons greatest message is that we all are greatly loved. I recently attended a Seminar on 'Kryon'. where  I had the good fortune to meet Lee Carroll. I was impressed and felt honored and loved.

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